L.O.L.A. / The Dark Side of The Moon (2021) Single-channel (2048x1153) HD 3D animation, 1’59” continuous loop

L.O.L.A. / The Dark Side of The Moon (2021)

Single-channel (2048x1153) HD 3D animation, 1’59” continuous loop

L.O.L.A. / The Dark Side of The Moon echoes our historically symbolic relationship with the moon that still resonates today. Contextually the work reflects on Project LOLA (Lunar Orbit and Landing Approach), a modern-day scientific research developed by NASA in 1962. At the core of NASA’s project was a mechanically and logistically complex simulator built at Langley to study matters related to the proposed landing on the lunar surface. The mapping of the moon’s trajectory across the night sky was also important to the Neolithic mind, evidenced by the discovery of a number of structures and lunar maps (Knowth, Ireland). Therefore, the project comments also on the human desire to eternally generate universal and moral tales emphasised further by the perpetual orbiting of the children’s carousel around the moon.


The Dwelling - Place of Light /2021/