Selected Press
Features - Ergin Çavuşoğlu, Tique Publication on Contemporary Art, September 2023
‘Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy” at ICP’, New York Times (29 June 2023)
Capturing Liminality – Ergin Çavuşoğlu, Interview by Alan Govenar, Truth in Photography, Summer 2023
Nell Whittaker, ‘3D Meets Prehistory: filmmaker Ergin Çavuşoğlu on the Neolithic mind’ TANK Magazine, (March 2022)
Kübra Bıçak, İfadenin Kavramsal Hali / The Conceptual State of Expression, ALEM (27 October 2021 Issue: 1453)
Nermin Saybaşılı, The Migration of Sounds in Ergin Çavuşoğlu’s Video- Installations, Switch on Paper (30 October 2020)
Artist Q&A: Ergin Çavuşoğlu, Whitechapel Gallery, London (27 May 2020)
Mimi Wong, “SPEAKING POWER TO (POST) TRUTH”, ArtAsiaPacific (February 2019)
Speaking Power to (Post) Truth curated by Sara Raza at Jane Lombard Gallery, ARTE FUSE (January 31, 2019)
Jesi Khadivi, “But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise: Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa”, Bordercrossing (Issue 148, December 2018)
Rai Cultura ARTE, La mostra che ci fa scoprire l`arte contemporanea del Medio Oriente e del Nord Africa (17 June 2018)
Una Tempesta dal Paradiso, Canale Arte (15 June 2018)
Milano. But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise, La Prima Pagina (9 April 2018)
'Focus on: Artists - Ergin Cavusoglu' Exhibist Magazine (Issue 13, September 2017)
Raffaele Quattrone, ‘Ergin Cavusoglu – Desire Lines /Tarot & Chess/’, Startup -Contemporary Art & Sociology (Issue 03,, February 2017)
Barbara Pollack, “Intimate Impressions: ‘But a Strom is Blowing From Paradise’ Offers a Nuanced View of Middle Eastern Art at The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York”, ARTnews (3 July 2016)
Rahel Aima, Paradise Lost: Middle Eastern Art at the Guggenheim, Art in America (June 2016)
‘But a Strom is Blowing From Paradise: Contemporary Art from the Middle East and North Africa’, The New Yorker (June 2016)
Emma Harper, “Turkish art in the city that never sleeps Frieze New York, ‘Court and Cosmos’ and more” Cornucopia (5 May 2016)
Antonello Tolve, ‘Translation of tradition. Ergin Cavusoglu in Istanbul’ Artribune (1 April 2016)
Erman Ata Uncu, “News from the shore…”, Radikal (15 March 2016)
Seza Bali, “Ergin Çavuşoğlu”, XOXO Magazine (March 2016)
Güler Ince, “Interview with Ergin Çavuşoğlu”, Istanbul Art News (March 2016)
Ergin Cavusoglu, “The Atlas of Differences Intact: Ethnographic Dwellings in Contemporary Art from the MENA Region”, The Guggenheim Museum (February 2016)
Seda Yörüker, “Water as a Border” (an interview), Artful Living (30 October, 2014)
Raffaele Quattrone, “Interview with Ergin Çavuşoğlu. The 4th International Canakkale Biennial”, Wall Street International (October 2014)
Hazal Gençay, Interview on “Adaptation-Cinefication”, Istanbul Art News (March 2014)
Gareth Harris, ‘13th Istanbul Biennial’, The Year Ahead 2013 - The Art Newspaper (January, 2013)
Raffaele Quattrone, ‘Modernity and Art Field: the space transformations’, Equipeco (n.34, December, 2012)
Gareth Harris, ‘Where the political stakes are high’, The Art Newspaper (12 – 14 October 2012)
Julia Henderichs, ‘Die ewige Reise des Lebens’, Kaleidoskop Filmforum in Aachen (January – March 2012)
Jyoti Kalsi, ‘Virtual signature - Ergin Çavusoglu's work explores the thin line between the ephemeral and the timeless’ Gulfnews (October 28, 2011)
Christopher Lord, ‘Sculpture in motion for a city in motion’ The National UAE (18 October 2011)
Rachel Spence, ‘Seriously Contemporary’ Financial Times (23 September 2011)
Fiachra Gibbons, ‘10 of the best exhibitions at the Istanbul biennial’ The Guardian (21 September 2011)
Susanne Fowler, ‘From Old Disco to New Media, Istanbul Capitalizes on Biennial’ New York Times (14 September 2011)
Alin Tasciyan’ Ergin Çavuşoğlu’nun ‘Başkalık’ı’, STAR Newspaper (4 October 2011)
Rumeysa Kiger, ‘Çavuşoğlu exhibition unravels the processes of perfection’ Today’s Zaman (19 September 2011)
Teresa Gleadowe, 'Manifesta 8' Art Monthly (November 2010)
Martin Herbert, 'Ergin Cavusoglu' TimeOut London (October 21 - 27, 2010)
Jonathan Gilhooly, 'Crystal & Flame' AN Magazine (October 2010)
Arnold Barkus, 'Crystal & Flame' The Global Dispatches (October 2010)
Klara Kemp-Welch, ‘Journeys With No Return’ Art Monthly (April 2010)
Melissa Gronlund Frieze (April 2009)
David Terrien, ‘There is no Road’ Art Review (March 2009)
Michael Hübl ‘Ergin Cavusoglu’ – Kunstverein Freiburg, Frieze (Issue 118 October 2008)
Springerin (issue 2, 2008)
‘Tool Kit – Ergin Cavusoglu’, Art of England (Issue 45 May 2008)
Jonathan Griffin ‘Ergin Cavusoglu’, Frieze (September 2006)
Stephen Riley ‘Ergin Cavusoglu: Point of Departure’, AN Magazine (July 2006)
Fiachra Gibbons, International Herald Tribune (14 June 2006)
Robert Clark, The Guide, The Guardian (18 February 2006)
Stuart Comer ‘London’, Artforum (December 2005)
Andrew Hunt, Frieze (January – February 2006)
Neil Mulholland ‘British Art Show 6’, Flash Art (January – February 2006)
David Briers, ‘Something of the Night’, Art Monthly (December – January 05-06)
‘British Art Show’, Sunday Herald (2 October 2005)
Adrian Searle ‘State of the art ', The Guardian (27 September 2005)
Arifa Akbar, ‘As Hirst hits 40, meet new faces of UK art scene’, The Independent (6 June 2005)
Steven Bode, ‘Not Fade Away…’, Contemporary (Issue 71 2005)
Maureen Freely, Times Online (21 March 2005)
‘Der Knochen der Zunge’, Salzburger Nachrichten (17 March 2005)
Kutlug Ataman, The Daily Telegraph (18 December 2004)
Craig Burnett, The Guide, The Guardian (23-29 October 2004)
Peter Chapman, ‘Nahum Tevet & Ergin Cavusoglu’, The Independent (11-17 September 2004)
Catriona Black, ‘Outer Limits’, Sunday Herald (19 September 2004)
Sophia Phoca, 'Britannia Works', Contemporary (Issue 65 2004)
Moira Jeffrey, ‘It’s all in the mind’, The Herald (3 September 2004)
‘Was Will Europa?’, Flash Art (July-September 2004)
Martin Coomer, Time Out London (April 7-14 2004)
Richard Cork ‘Surveillance culture’, New Statesman (12 April 2004)
Adrian Searle 'Full steam ahead', The Guardian (30 March 2004)
Waldemar Januszczak, The Sunday Times, Culture (28 March 2004)
Art Review (April 2004)
Art Monthly (April 2004)
Sleaze (April 2004)
Rod Liddle, 'Tosh and Beck's', The Times (27 March 2004)
Moira Jeffrey, 'Space is the artistic frontier', The Herald (26 March 2004)
The Guardian (24 March 2004)
Thomas W. Eller, ‘Berlin in Winter’, Artnet (20 February 2004)
St.Galler Tagblatt (19 February 2004)
Maerkische Allgemeine (14 February 2004)
Artforum (January 2004)
Art in America (December 2003)
The Guardian (16 December 2003)
The Times (16 December 2003)
The Independent (16 December 2003)
Evening Standard (16 December 2003)
Time Out London, No. 1736 (November 26-December 3 2003)
XXI journal of architectural culture, (An Interview) (October 2003)
‘Whose Justice? Reflections on the Istanbul Biennial 2003’, Robert C. Morgan, NY Arts Magazine (October 2003)
ART das Kunstmagazin (June 2003)
‘Resonance at Galerist’, Arredamento Mimarlik (June 2002)
Time Out Istanbul (April 2002)
Time Out London, No. 1462 (26 August – 2 September 1998)
Punk Orientalism: The Art of Rebellion, Sara Raza (Black Dog Press Limited, London, 2022)
Pascha of Contemporary Art, Between global and local: Ergin Cavusoglu, Gabino Kim (Mijin Publisher, Seoul, 2021)
NOT A MANUAL Extra Academy 2011—2020 Edited by Nico Dockx, Steve Van den Bosch. (Published by Het Bos, Track Report (Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp), Sint Lucas School of Art Antwerp, 2021)
‘Magnet-Sound’: The Migration of Sound in Ergin Çavuşoğlu’s Video-Installations, Nermin Saybaşılı (Metis Publishing, Istanbul, 2020)
Smuggling: An Embodied Criticality, Irit Rogoff in Artist Hiwa K and Curator Aneta Szyłak in Conversation. Eight Essays on Contemporary Art, (Ruya Prints, a division of the Ruya Foundation, Bagdad, 2018)
Mobility, Peter Adey (Routledge, 2017)
Mobility and Migration in Film and Moving Image Art: Cinema Beyond Europe (Routledge Advances in Film Studies), Nilgun Bayraktar (Routledge, 2016)
User’s Manual 2.0: Contemporary Art in Turkey 1975–2015, (Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2015)
Artists in Their Time (Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, 2015)
Plurivocality – Visual Arts and Music in Turkey (Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, 2014)
IN ITINERE - Arte contemporanea in trasformazione, EQUIPèCO, Raffaele Quattrone (Carmine Mario Muliere Editore, Rome, 2014)
Ergin Cavusoglu - And I Awoke, KINO DER KUNST (KINO DER KUNST, Munich and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2013)
Frieze Art Fair London Catalogue 2012, ‘Ergin Cavusoglu’, Jonathan Griffin (Frieze, 2012)
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times. Rebirth and Apocalypse in Contemporary Art, The First Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Ed. / Natalia Zabolotna; David Elliott (The First Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art, 2012)
Ergin Çavuşoğlu and the Art of Betweenness. / Tim Cresswell. In: Spatialities: the geographies of art and architecture. Ed. / Judith Rugg; Craig Martin. (London: Intellect Books, 2012)
At Home, Wherever, Editor René Block (YKY Publishing, Istanbul, 2011)
Globalisation and Contemporary Art, Editor Jonathan Harris (Blackwell Publishing, London, 2011)
Elgiz 10 A Decade of Commitment to Contemporary Art in Turkey, Proje 4L/Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art Publication, Istanbul
Paradise Lost (Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul, 2011)
Midnight in the City (Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida, Spain, 2010)
fast forward 2 The Power of Motion, Media Art Sammlung Goetz (Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern, Germany, 2010)
Silence_Storm, PORT IZMIR 2 (K2 Contemporary Art Center and French Cultural Center of Izmir, Turkey, 2010)
`Smuggling: Visual Culture’s Contraband Travels in Theory and Practice`, Simon Harvey in TRANSCODING – Cross Cultural Contemporary Arts (Walter Koenig Verlag, Cologne, 2010)
Unleashed: Contemporary Art From Turkey (TransGlobe Publishing, Ltd., 2010)
Globalisation and Contemporary Art, Editor Jonathan Harris (Blackwell Publishing, London)
Artes Mundi 4 (Artes Mundi Prize Limited, 2010)
The Morning After Videoarbeiten der Sammlung Goetz (Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Sammlung Goetz, 2008)
Gone City (BUCHER Verlag, Magazin4 - Bregenzer Kunstverein, Bregenz 2008)
All Inclusive – A Tourist World (Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt and Snoeck Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, 2008)
User’s Manual Contemporary Art in Turkey 1986-2006 (Art-Ist, Istanbul 2007)
Fresh Moves: New Moving Images From the UK (Published by Tank Form Ltd, Distributed by Thames & Hudson, 2007)
Sculpting in Sound (After Tarkovsky), (Cavusoglu, Ergin .Cent, London, 2007)
Between Borders (MARCO Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Vigo, 2007)
Forest Man (The New Gallery, Jerusalem, 2006)
Strangers With Angelic Faces (Akbank Arts Centre, Istanbul, 2006)
Display, Edited by Pablo Lafuente (Rachmaninoff’s, London, 2005)
British Art Show 6 (Hayward Gallery Publishing, 2005)
Neighbours in Dialogue, Nermin Saybaşılı (Norgunk, Istanbul, 2005)
Diagonale 05, (Diagonale – Forum osterreichischer Film, Graz, 2005)
Britannia Works, Athens (British Council, 2004)
Perspective (Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, 2004)
The Progressive Development Plan (London, 2004)
Whitstable Biennale 2004 (Arts Council, Canterbury City Council, 2004)
Beck's Futures 2004 (The ICA, London, Beck's, 2004)
3rd berlin biennial for contemporary art, Catalogue (berlin biennale fur zeitgenossische kunst e.V., 2004)
‘complex berlin’ 3rd berlin biennial for contemporary art (berlin biennale fur zeitgenossische kunst e.V., 2004)
‘Poetic Justice’ 8th International Istanbul Biennial, Catalogue (Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, 2003)
La Biennale di Venezia 50th International Art Exhibition, Catalogue (Marsilio, 2003)
Istanbul Pedestrian Exhibitions I: Nisantasi Personal Geographies, Global Maps (Istanbul: Kolektif Produksiyon, 2002)
60 Years 60 Artists (Istanbul: Eczacibasi Virtual Museum, 2002)
FAIR (London: Royal College of Art, 2002)
Medway Open (Gillingham: Royal Engineers Museum Gallery, 1999)
Roundtrip (Istanbul: Borusan Culture and Art Centre, 1998)
The Panoptic Garden, Uzbekistan National Pavilion 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia – Venice, Arsenale (Quarta Tesa) (8 July 2022)
TANKtv, Nell Whittaker,çavuşoğlu
Ergin Çavuşoğlu, New York University / Tisch School of the Arts (22 February 2020)
Ergin Çavuşoğlu Spectrum of Redundancy: Places in-Betweenness, Department of Sociology University of Essex (6 February 2020)
Speaking Power to (Post) Truth: Artist Ergin Çavuşoğlu with curator Sara Raza, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York (26 January 2019)
An Evening of Music and Discussion with the Guggenheim Museum, Ergin Çavusoglu, the Barenboim-Said Akademie and West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, Galleria d’Arte Moderna (GAM), Milan (11 April 2018)
(De) Coupling as Discourse on The Global South, Symposium, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York (22-23 September 2016)
But a Storm Is Blowing from Paradise, WNET public television (July 2016)
Apricots From Damascus (An apexart franchise exhibition), SALT, Istanbul (January, 2016)
Liquid Breeding - Ergin Cavusoglu in-conversation with Sara Raza, YARAT Contemporary Art Space, Baku (13 June, 2015)
Another Place: Professor Ergin Cavusoglu Inaugural Lecture, Middlesex University, London (February, 2015)
The Ethnographic Turn (Revisited): Ergin Cavusoglu - "Places in Betweenness", deBuren, Brussels (February 2015)
International Conference on Art and Urban Public Space: Parallel Program of Project 0, Center for Contemporary Art – The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv (June, 2014)
Artist Ergin Çavuşoğlu in conversation with FLACC Artistic Director Luuk Nouwen, puntKom Lecture Series, MAD Faculty, Genk, Belgium (February, 2014)
In the studio: Interview with Ergin Çavuşoğlu discussing his work inspired by Marcel Duchamp, S[Edition] Art, (Interview, September, 2013)
Ergin Cavusoglu “Artists Talk”, Sofia City Art Gallery, Open Arts Foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria (May, 2012)
Studio Visit: Ergin Cavusoglu, Calvert 22 (April 2012)
Culture Now: Ergin Cavusoglu, ICA, London (November 2011)
Ergin Cavusoglu in conversation with Teresa Gleadowe, RAMPA, Istanbul (September 2011)
Paradise Lost, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, Istanbul (March 2011)
Artes Mundi Encounters - International Symposium, National Museum Cardif (May 2010)
Distance and Sensibility, Panel Discussion, Calvert22 (April 2010)
Ergin Cavusoglu - Another Place, University of Brighton (October 2010)
Borders: a User’s Manual, Goethe Institut Bulgairen, Sofia (May 2009)
Networked Cultures Discussion, Whitechapel Gallery, London (October 2008)
Best Of Discovery Conversation, SH Contemporary, Shanghai (September 2008)
“On the Go” Landscape, Mobility, Performance, Royal Holloway, Bedford Square, London (April 2008)
All Inclusive – A Tourist World, ARTE TV (An interview), Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (January 2008)
All Inclusive – A Tourist World, Deutsche Welle (An interview), Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (January 2008)
The Temporary Zones, LABFactory, Vienna (January 2008) Fresh Moves DVD launch panelist, ICA London (June 2007)
Places of Departure, Ergin Cavusoglu, Central Saint Martins College, London (October 2006)
Late at Tate Britain: September, Ergin Cavusoglu, Tate Britain (September 2006)
Situations: Material City 3, Ergin Cavusoglu and Professor Tim Cresswell, Arnolfini, Bristol (June 2006)
Point of Departure, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (May 2006)
Tim Marlow on... The British Art Show 6, 2005 (An interview) Channel 5: 11/10/05 19.15
British Art Show 6, Hayward Gallery – BALTIC, DVD (2005)
Ergin Cavusoglu – Entanglement, Dundee Contemporary Arts (September 2004)
Ergin Cavusoglu, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee (September 2004)
Becks Futures 2004, BBC4 (TX: 0/04/04 20.40)
BBC1 London News (16 December 2003)
‘My London: The Artist’, BBCi News and BBCi London News (September 2003)
‘Who are your art parents?’, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London P/o5550VHS (March 1998)