Crying Glasses (2022)

Single-channel (2048x1153) HD 3D animation, 4’30” continuous loop

NW Could you tell me a bit about the other works in this series?

EÇ The next one is called Crying Glasses. They refer to a particular ritual in Chalcolithic and specifically later Hellenistic society that was polygamous, where an older man had several wives. After he died, the elders gathered the wives together and whoever could cry the most would take the inheritance. In the animation, I have a pair of glasses on a stand that are producing teardrops, and ancient glass tear bottles are positioned below them and on top of a 3D map of Bulgaria. The work was informed by Andy Warhol’s Rain Machine (Daisy Waterfall) (1971), and the glasses themselves are modelled on his glasses. Nell Whittaker, TANK Magazine, March 2022


The Thinkers /2022/