Interstellar (2019)
A collaboration with Konstantin Bojanov
Ceramics, Steel, LED Panels, 100 x 100 x 95 cm
Interstellar combines the replicas of Duchamp’s works Dart Object (1951/1962), Wedge of Chastity (Coin de chasteté) (1954/1963), Female Fig Leaf (1950/1961) and Bouche-Evier (Sink stopper) (1964) with meteorites in a surreal manner. The objects are displayed on a backlit blue plexiglas box and greet the viewer in a Duchampesque presentation. Octavia Paz, writing about the display of Duchamp’s White Box claims “The display both proves and disproves the existence of the outside world”.(1) When brought together with the conceptuality of Duchamp and words of Breton that sanctify female creativity in Arcanum 17, Interstellar provides endless combinations with regards to its context and spatiality. Çavuşoğlu and Bojanov point towards the miraculous, enchanting and coincidental light of meteorites that reach the earth without having burned up in the atmosphere.
Nihal Elvan, Evin Art Gallery Press Release, 2019
Interstellar (2019) A collaboration Konstantin. Bojanov, Ceramics, Steel, LED Panels, 100 x 100 x 95 cm. Installation view, Evin Art Gallery, Istanbul, 2019.
Interstellar (2019) A collaboration Konstantin Bojanov. Ceramics, Steel, LED Panels, 100 x 100 x 95 cm. Installation view, Evin Art Gallery, Istanbul, 2019.
Interstellar (2019) A collaboration Konstantin Bojanov. Ceramics, Steel, LED Panels, 100 x 100 x 95 cm. Installation view, Evin Art Gallery, Istanbul, 2019.