Dust Breeding (2020)

Alumide / PA-AF (Aluminum Filled), D300.04 x W445.83 x H500.00 mm

Dust Breeding alludes to architectural and mechanical spherical structures, such as the Horace Horton’s Spheres for storying
oil. Dust Breeding is an ongoing project that represents the construct and critique of ideas on spatial art practices. The work
is situated in the threshold between visibility, informal architecture and three-dimensional artwork. Conceptually the work is
on the continuity of the anamorphic drawing Dust Breeding (2011-2018), which borrows the title of Man Ray’s famous 1920 photograph. The image depicts an aerial view of Duchamp’s iconic The Large Glass (1915-1923) having accumulated a thick layer of dust. Duchamp dedicated much time on articulating the relationship of form to ‘space-time continuum’ and issues around the ‘rehabilitation of perspective’ as exemplified in several of his works and most notably in The Large Glass (1915-1923).


Silent Systems /2020/


Systems /2020/