Silent Systems (2020)

Alumide / PA-AF (Aluminum Filled), D328.51 x W500.00 x H374.12 mm

Silent Systems acts as a representation of the Noah’s Ark - one of the first migratory vessels. Silent Systems was produced initially as an anamorphic drawing in response to a site used during the filming of “Silent Glide (2008-09), a three-channel video installation, which tells the story of a young academic who found himself anchored in Hereke, a city in Turkey once known for their beautiful silks and now home to Noah, a huge cement production facility.” Which sun gazed down on your last dream? Exhibition brochure text by Nicole Dee O’Rourke (2016)“I was put into a boat (I do not remember when) and pushed off from an unknown shore, shown the direction of the opposite shore, had oars put into my unpractised hands, and was left alone. I forgot the direction given me... I saw before me nothing but destruction, towards which I was rushing, and which I feared. I saw no safety anywhere, and did not knowwhat to do... but... I remembered about the shore, the oars, and the direction, and began to pull back upwards against the stream and towards the shore.“Leo Tolstoy, A Confession (1882)


Flying Lesson - Wittgenstein Studies I /2024/


Dust Breeding /2020/