Mountain Bike (2011)

Alluminium, steel, chrome powder coating, 285 X 165 x 80 cm

Alterity (2011) is a three-fold installation that includes a mixed media sculptural work and two adjacent videos, which explore the relationship between the Duchampian idea of the readymade and Çavuşoğlu’s filmic icon Robert Bresson’s 1966 masterpiece Au Hazard Balthazar. Alterity will be presented in the project space of Rampa. The centrepiece of the installation is the freestanding Mountain Bike (2011) thin life-size perspective steel cut out exterior of a mountain bike hoisted onto an urban signpost, which could be read as the appropriation of the crucifixion of Christ, akin with the donkey’s character in Bres- son’s film, which functioned as a metonym for Christ. Correspondingly, two video works exist in dialogue with this sculpture to form a three- way conversation. Alterity, Sara Raza, 2011

Mountain Bike (2011), detail. Aluminium, steel, chrome powder coating, 285 X 165 x 80 cm. Installation view, Alterity, Rampa Istanbul, 2011. © Levent Yalinay

Mountain Bike (2011), detail. Aluminium, steel, chrome powder coating, 285 X 165 x 80 cm. Installation view, Alterity, Rampa Istanbul, 2011. © Levent Yalinay


All to Play and Lose /2011/


Place After Place /2008/