Place After Place (2008)

Coloured perspex, fluorescent tube, MDF, 156 X 56 x 56

As distinct as possible from the realism and narrative framework of , with which it shared the hall, Ergin Çavusoglu’s new sculpture, was made for the exhibition in general and as a coda to the video installation specifically. Placed off-centre to break the symmetry of the Kunstverein, the combination of light, colour and spatial form translated the main abstract components of the moving image into an object. The impulse to look into the work in order to understand its structure directly echoed the luminous colour of the central x-ray image in . Basing the dimensions of the three perspex cubes, fitted one inside the other, on the 16 : 9 ration of the widescreen cinema image, Çavusoglu expanded in this work his ideas concerning place. Just as importantly, the axis of light functioned as a beacon of stillness next to the constant motion of , directing its prismatic beams outwards towards the other works in the exhibition. Place after Place forms a connection between, in particular, the videos and the drawings: while the videos are im- material, colourful and time-based, the drawings are static, black and white and created from the tangible materials of ink and paper. The sculpture, on the other hand, brings together in one object, although static, the immaterial light of the videos and the materiality of the real (the perspex). Place After Place, Felicity Lunn, 2008

Place After Place (2008). Coloured perspex, fluorescent tube, MDF, 156 X 56 x 56 cm. Installation view Kunstverein Freiburg, 2008 © Marc Doradzillo

Place After Place (2008). Coloured perspex, fluorescent tube, MDF, 156 X 56 x 56 cm. Installation view Kunstverein Freiburg, 2008 © Marc Doradzillo


Mountain Bike /2011/


Monumentum Kesan I (Drums) /2007/